Donate to HIS Pods Christian Learning Centers

Support the Pod


Investing in Christian education has never been more important!  The vision of HIS Pods strives to open Christian Learning Center campuses across the globe.  Our unique Pods structure enables us to do so much with so little, but the more we are given the more kids and families we can reach in sharing the Gospel.  All donations given to our 501c3, non-profit are tax deductible.

Your donations are

easy, reliable, and secure.

Support Christian Teachers

We value supporting Christian teachers who feel called by God to step into the classroom and invest in the next generation. 


Provide Biblical Curriculum

We curate each year’s curriculum with top notch biblical world view teaching.  We also provide each teacher’s classroom materials.


Expand Campuses Globally

Our vision is to expand HIS Pods globally.  Your donation helps support our ministry partners by making sure they have the proper teaching spaces and campuses for their students.


Promote International Experiences

Our Flagship HIS Pod is located in Jacó, Costa Rica.  Our mission is to continue to expand our partners to cross-culture experiences. 




Target Students


$ Raised to Date


Target Pods 

Donation Levels

Here are a few suggestions for giving to show how far your generosity can reach!            Your one-time gift contributions are a major blessing, but would you consider becoming a committed POD member and donate monthly? 

General Questions & FAQs

Why give to HIS Pods Christian Learning Centers?

The hostility towards teaching God’s Truth increases daily. Our passion is to equip and come a long side Churches and Christian ministries to scale and expand their educations efforts towards Christian education. Your gift will help make an impact in the lives of students, teachers, and expanding campuses globally.

Is my gift tax deductible?

Yes, monetary donations to our organization are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Donors should consult with their tax advisors if they have questions about their deductions.

Is my online donation secure?

Yes. Our online giving portal is protected and encrypted. Your data is private, safe, and secure.

Why should I make a monthly donation?

Monthly giving to HIS Pods Christian Learning Centers is simply the best investment you can make for securing the fight towards planting Christian Learning Centers and spread God’s message to the next generation. With your monthly gift, we are able to accurately forecast for each student, teacher, and campus ways to support each year. All monthly charges occur on the 15th of each month.

Can I donate in someone's honor/memory of a loved one?

It is easy to celebrate or remember the life of someone who would be invested in the same cause as HIS Pods Christian Learning Centers. Please write in the memo a teacher you would like your gift to go to specifically, a classroom you’d like to sponsor, or a loved one you’d like to honor.